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Few Effective Tips for Buying Costume Jewellery

A dazzling necklace or a sparkling ring is such a gorgeous accessory that no woman can resist it. It is true that not everyone can afford to wear gold, platinum or diamonds but there is a wonderful substitute for them, the beautifully crafted costume jewellery. They are the marvels of contemporary design and style.

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Here are few important tips for buying costume jewellery:

  • It is not a good practice to wear multiple jewellery unless you can coordinate them perfectly. Wearing several jewellery pieces at one time might give you a brassy look instead of a classy one. The larger, bold pieces of jewellery create a true fashion statement while worn with simple, smaller pieces. So never go overboard when shopping for costume jewellery. This will save both your bucks and style statement.
  • It’s a good idea to mix ‘n’ match the different pieces from your costume jewellery collection. This will accentuate your look and will help you develop a signature style. You can mix and match the metals by colours, shapes and sizes the jewellery constitutes. Keep yourself updated by checking the popular fashion magazines and visiting jewellery boutiques for new ideas.
  • If you have an upcoming special occasion, shopping for the costume jewellery could be a little trickier. For instance, the jewellery suitable for work would not be appropriate for a prom, cocktail party or any other glam event. The former tends to be modest while the later should be glitzy and eye-catching.
  • Prefer quality over quantity. The first preference should be the quality of the jewellery you are buying. For example, if you got a piece of costume jewellery with electro plated gold or silver, then an item like this maybe more attractive than multiple cheaper counterparts.
  • If you like jewellery fitted with stones then be careful while assessing the quality of the stones. If the precious stones seem to be pricey options then go for semi-precious varieties. You will find many costume jewellery pieces in the market which are merely fitted with glass stones, so develop an eye to find ones fitted with rhinestones or other higher varieties.
  • One good tactic to follow is to view the piece of jewellery in natural light. The show cabinets and counters are mostly fitted with high power spot lights in order to add up to the spark of the jewellery. While away from the light, your chosen ring or necklace might lose the shine and the glitz. Thus, it’s really important to check the item under natural light.
  • Always make sure to try on the jewellery because a piece of jewellery appearing great on display may not suit your body type, age and appearance. For instance, if your hands are small with short fingers then large rings may not look as great.
  • If you are an advocate of conservative style accessories then costume jewellery may be the best option for you. Flaunt an assortment of faux pearls, enamels and semi-precious stones decked with delicate designs in your personal collection and go the vintage way. Trust me, if worn in the right way they are show stoppers. Remember, with vintage, less is definitely more.
  • Last but not the least, always remember to preserve the receipt with you. A woman’s mind is inclined towards change very often, so what seemed irresistible in the store might not appear so very attractive back home. Remember to keep the receipt with you in case your mind changes in the future.

So buy whatever you feel comfortable with and never have the notion that to get the best you need to pay big bucks. The high street retailers have come a long way and hence costume jewellery is not considered tacky anymore, rather they do wonders to emphasize your look and personality. So, be bold and be fab!

As I’ve mentioned and you may have noticed in the media, traditional jewellery is growing out of fashion. Many people are selling their gold, silver, platinum and diamond jewellery, then using the proceeds to purchase costume jewellery. You get much more variety and have an items that will complement many outfits.
Author Bio: Nelly Brown is a professional writer and blogger. She is currently working for, the trusted jewellery buyers in Toronto offering cash for gold.

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