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Understanding Teenagers: Their 5 Favorite Fashion Trends

understanding teenagers

Understanding Teenagers And Their Fashion Choices

For parents who have teenage children, it can be difficult to understand the different trends and styles that they are interested in. As each teen develops and tries to discover who they are, it can be difficult to understand why they enjoy particular fashion trends and looks. Although understanding teenagers may be a mystery, there are a few looks that are easy to understand.

1. Mullet Skirts

Mullet skirts offer a unique cut with a short style in the front and a longer length in the back. They can look unusual and unfinished to adults, but for girls they work as a feminine frock that is appropriate for summer. It makes for a fun twist on the classic maxi skirt style.

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2. Retro Eyeglass Frames

It can seem counter-intuitive to see teens with thick frames that allow them to look like nerds or librarians, but the glasses are a hit among the youth. Gone are the days when eye-wear was minimal or contact lenses were preferred, as the looks have switched to bold styles that were commonly seen in the 1950s.

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3. Ear Cuffs

This jewelry piece may look like something out of a sci-fi film, but ear cuffs are popular among teens due to the edge that it offers for girls. It makes for great ear candy that is chunky and bold to match the other accessories in their attire.

4. Fringe Kimonos

Fringe kimonos are commonly seen at concerts and festivals on teens who want to look bohemian and add extra flare to their attire. The style is often paired with gladiator sandals and some frayed shorts for clothing that is anything but sophisticated. Fringe kimonos are most available in prints that use geometric shapes or florals.

5. Fedoras

Fedoras may look unique on girls, but the masculine hat style is popular among the ladies and is a must-have when spending time in the summer sun. The accessory is commonly paired with a maxi dress or jumpsuit for a laid-back appearance.

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Although teenagers are likely to look back at their fashion choices and question their overall fashion sense, they enjoy what they wear for trends that are current and popular. Adults may not understand why the styles are so common, but each look allow teens to embrace their youth and have a bit of fun with clothing that is ideal for their specific age group.


Information Credit to Eyeconx, a Calgary Eye Clinic.

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