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Don’t Buy Clothes You Will Never Wear


Each one of us go through the annual ritual of cleaning our closets to keep it from overflowing. And none of us will disagree with the claim that we end up rejecting garments and accessories that still have their tags attached. Although it might be difficult to adhere to the European ideology of looking good while owning less, it is a fact that fewer number of clothes in the closet greatly increases its functionality, apart from the fact that it is easier for you to keep track of your clothes and accessories. Here are some tips to avoid buying clothes impulsively.

Make four distinct piles
Author and fashion guru Tim Gunn says that the best way to start the cleaning process is to make four distinct and different piles: give away, throw out, repair, soul-stirring. You can easily rid yourself of the clothes in the first two categories, and take the ones in the third category and get them repaired to fit your size.

Having memories attached to clothes often makes it difficult to discard them. Therefore, if you can work your way around those melancholic sentiments, then you can definitely clean up your wardrobe effectively and efficiently.

Think of extending your wardrobe
After you have gotten rid of all the unnecessary items, you can survey your closet and thing of adding extensions to your present set of garments. Think of accessorizing a formal outfit with an interesting belt or scarf, which can be paired later on with a different outfit. You can extend the functionality of your garments by accentuating them with interesting looking accessories which can be paired with other garment later on. Not only will this help you to be creative, but also prevent your closet from being unnecessarily cluttered.

Identify the dominant season
Buy clothes according to the dominant season of the demography in which you reside. For instance, if you live in a place that is generally cold and where it snows often, then buying boots and shoes will be more profitable, rather than flip-flops which can be worn only for a limited period.

Similarly, if you live in some place that experiences summer, rains, winter and spring, then it is wise to invest equally for all four seasons so that you are adequately protected.

Consider the lifestyle you lead
Your age and occupation greatly controls your style statement. For instance, if you are a corporate employee, you dress in a certain manner that is markedly different from the style of a pregnant woman or a school teacher. Also, dressing requirements change with age. You obviously don’t dress the same way when you are fifty, as you used to when thirty. Therefore, it is best to buy clothes based on your age and occupation, rather than buying garments with a fantasy-version of yourself in mind.

Identify your signature style
If you prefer loose cuts and soft fabrics, then avoid buying body-hugging wool-turtleneck sweaters that might be too uncomfortable. Identify the shapes and colors that suit you the best in order to avoid useless and extravagant purchases which are soon overlooked and forgotten.

Having fewer number of clothes does not, in any way, compromise your style statement. It makes your closet more functional, thereby allowing you to keep a better tab on your garments and accessories.

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